INFORMATION REQUESTED IS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF SERVING YOU _____________________________________________ ____/_____/ ____ _____/_____/________ PLEASE ENTER FULL NAME DATE OF BIRTH SSAN __________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL MAILING ADDRESS ON THIS LINE INCLUDING CITY AND ZIP CODE __________________________ ________________________ _________________________ HOME PHONE OFFICE/WORK PHONE EMERGENCY PHONE ____________________________________________________________________________________ Who recommended you make an appointment with me? Write name above. If it was a pastor, doctor, other counselor, or judge do you want a consult performed with them? If so check yes here ______ Release forms will have to be initiated for this to occur. ____________________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF SPOUSE OR NEAREST RELATIVE // GIVE THEIR PHONE NUMBER IF DIFFERENT FROM YOURS _________________________________________________ _____________________ ___________ NAME OF PERSONAL PHYSICIAN PHONE NUMBER OR TOWN LAST SEEN Would this be the person you would see for medical services if it was determined to be needed? _______ Are you currently under a doctor’s care? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, describe what you are being treated for. ____________________________________________________________________________________ If the physician currently treating you is a specialist or someone other than the one listed above, write in their name, phone number or town and reason for treatment on the lines below. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Write in all medicines, both prescription and non-prescription, you are currently taking. If this changes while in counseling you are responsible to notify your counselor on the next visit after the change. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Write in all herbal remedies, vitamin and mineral supplements, you are currently taking. If this changes while you are in counseling notify your counselor on the next visit after the change. ____________________________________________________________________________________ When was your last medical exam and what was the outcome? ____________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any chronic or acute illnesses, injury, or disability? If so, explain. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever used or been treated for addictions to controlled substances or alcohol? If so describe. ____________________________________________________________________________________ How would you describe your health? Excellent ___ Good ___ Fair ___ Poor ___ THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS PERTAIN TO YOUR MARITAL STATUS: Check the following that apply to you. If you have been divorced or widowed write in number of times. MARRIED ___ DIVORCED ___ SEPARATED ___ WIDOWED ___ ENGAGED ___ SINGLE ___ If you are currently married, would you describe your marital life as happy ___ unhappy ___ unsure ___ If marital issues are part of your reason for seeing me, please answer the following; Do you have a history of marital abuse ___ sexual abuse ___ broken relationships ___ Have you previously lived with someone without benefit of marriage ___ How many times ___ Are you living with someone without benefit of marriage now ___ How long in years ___ & months ___ What would you like to tell me about your marital life at this point? Write below.
THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS RELATE TO YOUR FAMILY AND GRIEF HISTORY. Please either check for yes or fill in appropriate numbers/dates/etceteras as the question requires. Please write in your parents' names. Mother _____________________________ maiden _________ Father ______________________________________________ Is your mother still living? ___ If not, has she recently died? ___ How long has this been? _____ age ___ Is your father still living? ___ If not, has he recently died? ___ How long has this been? _____ age ___ Do you have brother or sisters? ___ If so how many brothers ___ and sisters ___ Where are you in the birth order? Eldest ___ Youngest ___ Middle ___ Other ______________________ Have you lost a sibling in the last 5 years to death or disappearance? ___ Did you live with other family groups growing up? ___ How many? ___ If so, ask for Extended Residences Survey Do you maintain close contact with all ___ some ___ of your family members? If some of your living family is not communicated with for cause, please explain below. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Is there any history of sexual, verbal, emotional, or physical abuse in your family? ___ If you checked yes please explain below. If you are experiencing any of these types of abuse within your marriage ask your counselor for the form on marital abuse. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Briefly describe yourself as a person. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Describe in your own words the help you would like to receive from this ministry. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Check the following categories of problems that you need help in. They are arranged in types for your convenience. Depression ___ Anger ___ Emotional problems ___ Stress ___ Anxiety ___ Panic ___ Other ______ Addictions ___ Drugs ___ Alcohol ___ Sexual ___ Food ___ Compulsive behavior ___ Gambling ___ Lying ___ Stealing ___ Television ___ Pornography ___ Other _____ Marital ___ Relationships ___ Communications ___ Tenderness ___ Sexual ___ Other _____ Thoughts ___ Repetitive ___ Suicidal ___ Hearing Voices ___ Negative thinking ___ Losses ___ Marital-divorce/separation ___ Death ___ Job/Career ___ Physical ___ Other _____ Parenting issues ____ Child development ___ disobedience ___ Family foundations ___ Other _____ Lack of parental agreement in child rearing ___ Self Esteem Issues ___ Low self worth ___ outrageous behaviors ___ rejection of others ___ fear of rejection by others ___ Abusive to others ___ Abusive to self ___ Occult/demonic ____ If you have been involved in occultic activity including astrology, fortune telling, Ouija boards, membership in groups or organizations you may be asked to complete an additional questionnaire. Note: This list is not exhaustive and counseling is performed in other areas. The above are some of the most common. If you have others, please write them below in one or two word each to describe the area of need. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Your educational level and ability to comprehend affects the types of counseling resources we can call on in order to help you. Write in below all the educational experiences you have had. If you ceased your education prior to reaching your educational goals or achieving a diploma, please explain why as well. Did not go beyond grade 12? The grade you completed ____ , the number of years you attended ___ , Have a GED check ___ High School diploma ____. Is it Academic/College Prep ___ General ___ . Technical School ___ Write in course completed or time attended _______________________________ College? Years attended ___ Highest degree earned _________________________________________ Were you ever classified as a discipline problem ___ expelled ___ suspended ___ ISS ___ experienced relationship problems with teachers ___ fellow students ___ frequent fights ___ other ___ please explain ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ How would you describe your reading comprehension? Excellent ___ Good ___ Fair ___ Poor ___ THE FOLLOWING IS AN INQUIRY INTO YOUR COUNSELING TREATMENT HISTORY Your past experience with counselors and history of counseling can have a decided impact on how you respond to counseling in these present circumstances. In order to serve you we need to understand what experiences of counseling, psychology, and psychiatry practitioners you bring into counseling with you. Have you ever been treated by a counselor ___ psychologist ___ psychiatrist ___ ? How many? _____ Did the person claim to be a Christian practitioner? (more than 1 write in numbers each) Yes ___ No ___ Did you seek counseling for the same ___ or another ___ problem than the one currently bothering you? If you sought counseling for another problem, even if it was related to your current one, briefly describe it (You may attach additional paper if needed. If you have seen several people, please separate treatments in order of person seen) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Briefly describe your experience of counseling. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ You may attach additional paper if needed. Do you understand that Christian Counseling is radically different from counseling performed by secular practitioners? Yes ___ No ____ Do you understand that not all people who claim to be practicing Christian Counseling are in fact doing so? Yes ___ No ___ Many people do not know this, and if you are unclear ask your counselor to discuss this with you as a prelude to beginning your new experience. Would you be willing to sign a release for your previous counselor to share their records? Yes __ No __ If you have something you would like to communicate at this point, please write it in below. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ CHURCH ATTENDANCE CONSISTENT WITH AN INDIVIDUAL’S WORK SCHEDULE IS A MANDATORY PART OF THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING EXPERIENCE. IT IS NOT AN OPTION. Christian Counseling assesses a person in six areas. One of the most important of these is the Spiritual. For that reason, spiritual assessment is performed as an initial part of the application process. Not all who come to Christian Counselors are Christians. And even Christians live on different spiritual levels. When we use the term Christian, we do not mean someone who has been born into a Christian home or who has attended church all their life. We mean someone who has had a personal experience of the Lord Jesus Christ in their life. Are you a Christian? Yes ___ No ___ If you answered yes to the above question, you should be able to point to a time when you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Can you tell us about how long ago that was for you? ______ Can you tell us where you were when you asked Jesus Christ to come into your life? Yes ___ No ___ here? _____________________________________________________________________________ Describe what happened (You may attach additional paper if needed) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What has happened in your life since you came to the Lord Jesus Christ and asked Him in? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Do you pray daily? How often do you pray? _________________________________________________ Do you have daily Bible reading? Yes ___ No ___ Do you have a Bible reading plan ___ or read randomly ___ ? Do you only read your Bible when you come to church? Yes ___ No ___ Do you currently attend church? Yes ___ No ___ If so, how often? _______________________________ What is the name of your church? ________________________________________________________ Who is the pastor? ____________________________________________________________________ Do you have any jobs/responsibilities in your church? Yes ___ No ___ I used to have ___ What are/were they? __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Is your mate interested ___ uncaring ___ in spiritual things? Do you do them together? Yes ___ No ___ How would you describe the state of your spiritual health in your own words? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Jonsquill Ministries
P. O. Box 752
Buchanan, Georgia 30113