People Precepts to Ponder


I.                    People is People.


II.                 People Need People.


III.               People Posses Personalities.


IV.              People Perusers Perceive People.


V.                 Problem People Particularly Perplex.


VI.              Personable People Project Personality.


VII.            Possibilities of People Pass Perception.


VIII.         Probabilities of People Pass Perception.


IX.              Permissive People Permit Problem People.


X.                 Protective People are Potentially Possessive.


XI.              Perceptive People Petition People Participation.


XII.            Particular People Permit Problem People to Pass.


XIII.         Participating People Passionately Promote Programs.


XIV.         People Participation Promotes Paramount Performance.


XV.           Performing People Predictably Pretentious Pratings Pall.


XVI.         Performance People's Pejorative Prose Perplex Participation.


XVII.      Permissive People's Pampering of Petulant Promotes Problems.


XVIII.    Peevish People Petulant Posings Promote Problems Perpetually.


XIX.         Placating Peevish People Permit Problems Perpetual Presentation.


XX.           People are the necessary and challenging part of living for Christ.


Jonsquill Ministries 97102701

            Jonsquill Ministries

P. O. Box 752

Buchanan, Georgia 30113
